Friday, January 28, 2022

iPhone Shul Shush

 Now it's finally possible to silence iPhones in shul (or church or whatever)!

  1. Settings / Focus / Do Not Disturb / Add Schedule or Automation / Location
  2. enter something to identify your shul, e.g. part of the name
  3. select the right one
  4. touch Done

Now if only there were a way to automatically prompt people to do this when they arrive, using something like airdrop. "This location wants you to be in Do Not Disturb. Is that alright? Yes - silence notifications here, No - continue to notify me and don't ask again, I Don't Know - ask me next time I visit"

Monday, January 03, 2022

Vim plugin idea

When working with verbose logs, you want to suppress uninteresting lines.

So, wouldn't it be cool if you could select two lines, and vim would hide all lines that are similar to them.

1237 boring is blah, all good

1238 boring is foo, all good


1240 boring is blah, again

When the user selects the first two lines above, vim would hide lines matching the pattern \d+ boring is \w+, all good.

It'd need the ability to unhide the next or previous line.

We could also get fancy, and support generalizing previous patterns. In the example above, you could later choose the fourth line, and vim would amend the previous pattern to \d+ boring is \w+, [ a-z]*. We'd have to document some decisions about how general to be, e.g. it's not obvious above that we should use \d+ instead of 123\d.

Closest existing thing I could find: